Tuesday 26 March 2013

Ham and cheese omelette!

Okay so it was requested that I post the recipe for the omelette I usually have so here it is :)
2 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
Splash of milk
Low fat cheese

1. Heat up a 6-8 inch pan with some oil first of all.
2. Crack to eggs into a cup and beat with a fork for a couple of minutes until a lot of air has been beaten out. Add a little pepper and salt if you need it. Also add a splash of milk.
3. Best for another minute and then add mixture to pan and do NOT mix the mixture!
4. Leave that to heat up for a couple of minutes and in the mean time, grate the cheese and cut up the ham.
5. After the egg has heated up for a couple of minutes, add the ham and cheese to one half and fold over the other half of the omelette on top of the cheese and ham.
6. Cook for another minute or so and then plate up!

Hope this makes sense to you all, I've tried explaining it the best I can :)

Thursday 21 March 2013

It all adds up.

For the times you didn't have an extra serving, for the times you walked through supermarkets without picking up any bad food, for the times you ate healthily despite your friends eating bad, for the times you drank water instead of juice, for the times you said 'no' no matter how badly you wanted it, for the times you went to bed hungry, for the times you went to the gym when you didn't want to, for the times you finished a workout despite feeling awful, for the times you spent your period craving everything sugary but decided against it, for the times you remember why you started, for the times you woke up early for the gym, for the times you did an extra rep, for the times you've sweated more than everyone else in the gym class, for the times you pushed yourself to go that little further.

Every little thing you do adds up. You should be proud of yourself

Week 1 of new regime done

So, I've completed my first full three complete days of my fitness strength training regime and I have to say, I am constantly sore! But that's okay, my muscles are loosening off!
I don't really feel like the workouts are pushing me that hard, so I am going to add in a couple more exercises each day and maybe one more set of each in a couple of weeks!
I am definitely feeling stronger but I am hungry due to the reduction in carbs today as I didn't have time to cook brown rice with my lunch (which I really needed!) but oh well. Here's a picture of my macronutrients for the day! :)

Update: this was posted a little late.

Progress picture

Progress picture! March 2012 - March 2013 :) I'm not tensing in the second one woohoo!!!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Starting today, I'm going to be posting a daily tip on food, fitness or something weight loss/fitness related!
So today marks day one.

1. They provide an instant energy boost, along with B vitamins, minerals and fibre.
2. They contain a substantial amount of potassium which is a stress reliever.
3. They contain trytophan (a type of protein) which improves your mood and helps you feel more relaxed.
4. They are an ideal source of potassium for lowering blood pressure.
5. They aid in constipation.
6. They contain natural anti-acid type properties which help relieve heartburn.
7. They are well know for their soothing effects om eliminating morning sickness.
8. They can relieve a hangover due to the levelling of blood sugar levels.
9. They are the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress with ulcers.
10. Wrapping the banana peel around a wart can help to sooth it.
11. They contain a significant amount of iron which can help in the case of amnesia.
12. They contain compounds that help to reduce bloating.

1 Week in.

Basically just wanted to make an update on the strength training and post exactly what I'm doing at this minute. I've done all three days three times and I do feel constantly sore! I added a couple of exercises in here and there if I didn't feel like I was doing enough. Doing each exercise 8-12 times for 3 sets.

DAY 1: Back/Biceps
Lat Pull Down - 23kg
Seated Row - 36kg
Bentover row - 16kg (viper weight
Bicep curl - 8kg each arm
Hammers - 6kg each arm

DAY 2: Chest/Triceps
Chest Press (Machine) - 27kg (32kg today and for future).
Chest Press (Dumbbells) - 10kg each arm
Incline chest press - 6kg each side
Tricep kickback - 6kg
Tricep dips
Tricep overhead dips - 4kg each arm

DAY 3: Shoulder/Legs
Shoulder Press - 23kg
Shoulder Shrugs - 16kg each arm
Upright Row - 10kg each arm
Leg Press - 66kg/73kg (originally 59kg)
Squats - 10kg(medecine ball)
Step Lunge - 4 block risers
Squat pulses (x8) with 6kg medecine ball
Squat Jumps

So basically this is my workout at the moment! Week 1 is completed and hopefully by the time week 21 comes, I will have improved!

Sunday 10 March 2013

Protein Pancakes with PB2!

Here is the protein pancakes I made up today!

1 scoop phd chocolate diet whey protein (less carbs than normal proteins)
1 tbsp pb2 (powdered peanut butter, if you haven't got it yet, I'd highly recommend it!)
100ml milk
1 egg white
Sugar/sweetener to taste

Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl with a spoon
Pour onto 6-8inch frying pan (already heated up, use butter or cooking spray etc for non stick)
Cook each side for a few minutes

Hope you guys enjoy this recipe, and more recipes will come :)

Thursday 7 March 2013

Day 2 of new program!

So, today I'm extremeeeeeely sore! Don't think i stretched it out properly + my body is not used to that strenuous amount of weights! To sum up for future reference, I did Lat pull down 25kg x8, Seated row 36kgx8, Bentover row x16kg (viper instead of bar), Bicep curls and Hammer. Was meant to do Bicep curls on 8kg each arm and Hammers on 6kg each arm but my body wouldn't do it :( so I went down to kg for each of those. Next week I'm pushing and doing all three sets with the required weight as I did struggle a bit today!
Anyway, feeling sore but ready for day TWOOOO!!!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

First day of strength training! (2)

Changed my eating plan now so starting this as my knew way!!

First day of weight training

I received my program today for my strength building programme and I am dedicated to finish it even if it kills me. I'm working out how to get more protein into my diet and sorting everything out. I know it's going to take a long time but it's something I've wanted to do for a while now that I've reached my goal weight.
I'm going to make sacrifices and I'm going to struggle, but I'm going to try my hardest to get the body I want. I can do it.

Sunday 3 March 2013