Wednesday 16 October 2013

Want to get 'toned'? Want to start weight lifting but don't know where to start?

Hi guys,
So I get comments quite often from people asking how to even begin weight training, because there is so much information out there, it can be really, really daunting. So, I thought I'd take the time to just give you some basic tips on how to get started.
How I got interested in 'weight lifting' was through the Les Mills Body Pump class. If you're not sure what Les Mills is, it's basically a company who offer a variety of different cardio/weights/abs classes. Google it to check if your nearby gym has it, I love the cardio classes for my morning cardio!
The reason why I put weight lifting in the speech marks is because it's not really weight training, it focuses on high reps and low weights which I think was a really good way for me to start.
The workout incorporates all the basic (compound) movements that are really important when starting weight training; deadlifts, squats, rows, presses etc. I definitely feel like Body Pump helped improve my form and has definitely helped me to start weight training.
I then was interested in it as I liked the feeling of getting stronger and adding extra weight so I looked it up myself and basically just googled a beginner's weight training schedule and that was me sorted for a while. It's good to start with basic exercises so you can get your form correct and properly work your muscles out.
I've found one on which is really simple and I think would be a great place to start (also I love, I'm constantly reading their articles);
I think 3 days would be enough so that you can fit it in to your schedule and get used to weight lifting every week.

The key things you HAVE to remember when starting weight training:
1. You have to work out each body part once a week, you can't skip one of the days and expect to get proper results.
2. In order to get the results you want (more toned and lean) you have to push yourself hard. If you're doing a weight that you can go higher than 12 reps on, your weight is too low!!
3. You need to have proper nutrition to support your weight training. You can't expect to lift weights, eat 1200 calories and do cardio every day to see results. When you're weight lifting, you need to give your body enough rest from cardio and eat a good amount of calories a day (this depends on your personal goals etc hence why I am not giving a number).
4. You need to be consistent. You can't do it for a few weeks and then stop and expect to see results.
5. As mentioned in a previous point, remember to REST. Your body can be overtrained and this severely effects strength gains. If you want to build strength, you need to go in to every workout with a ton of energy and push yourself to the limit.

Okay, hopefully these tips have helped you understand about how to get in to weight training a little more. You should know the masses and masses of benefits of weight training by now (and if you don't, google it) and women, noooooooooooo it will not make you bulky!!! How many times do people have to tell you that weight training will help you get your ideal body, it is practically impossible to get as big as men due to testosterone levels and such sciency things.
One last thing, your diet needs to be fresh and clean, lots of healthy proteins and good fats in order for you to see results. You cannot eat a McDonald's after your workout claiming it has lots of protein.

Now get to it!!

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