Thursday 10 April 2014

April Update!

Hey guys,
Literally have not posted since December last year which is really naughty of me! I miss writing on this blog and feeling motivated to do so. The last six months have been pretty hectic and I have managed to regain all of my weight (plus a hell of a lot of muscle) which is really quite frustrating. Although I know I've made serious strength gains, I have gained fat and it's due to being at university (college for Americans).
Being at college and trying to have a life, keep up with classes and study, and keep the weight off at the same time is fucking hard, I'm not going to lie. This time last year I was at my lowest weight because I never went out to had a good time and was able to go to the gym for 2/3 hours a day and cook proper food. That is definitely not the case this year.
I've been going out at least twice a week and the next day, the hangover day, bad food choices tend to be made instead of beneficial ones and this has been a vicious cycle for me. It's been so so so amazing to meet so many wonderful people but it's time to get my head back in the game, I'm sick of none of my clothes fitting me anymore.
I'm on a four day detox at the moment which is to cleanse my body of all the shit I've been eating over the past couple of weeks specifically (my friend's 21st, many other events and being on holiday) and then I will go back to sensible amounts of exercise and clean eating 90% of the time.
There is a part of me that wants to go back to my old routine of countless hours of exercise and eating way less than I worked off because I know it works for me but I know that's not sustainable with moving to live in France in September so I want to try something a little more sensible and lift weights 4x a week with cardio in between and mostly clean eating!
Hopefully this is the beginning of something great for me, the beginning of me feeling the best I've ever felt because at the moment I feel like I'm back to square one. I want to feel comfortable in my skin in a bikini in a few months and I want to be healthy and happy.
I know I can do this and I am going to.

Jenny xx

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