Thursday 5 December 2013

Update on life and weight! 5th December 2013

Hi guys,
Updated you a little bit earlier via Instagram on everything but wanted to a bigger one here. As I posted earlier, this week I've been allowing myself to lie in a bit longer because I have exams next week but I feel pretty shit about it! Slacking on the workouts and exam work and focusing on social life right now making me feel a bit crap. I have soooo many nights out coming up it's actually unreal and I'm glad because this time last year I had none and was so unhappy but I'm trying to stay positive. I'm still staying healthy eating wise just wish I had time to fit everything in!!!
I definitely feel like my main focus is my health but right now I'm enjoying earning some money and going out with friends, even if that means having a beer or two a few nights a week, if I still eat clean and workout when I can I know I'll be fine.

The main focus of this blog is to tell you my weight! I did a post after my holiday in America about wanting to be 139lbs by Christmas. I did a whole post on the fact that I was the same weight I was when I started my fitness journey but I still look a hell of a lot different. Anyways, I know that some of that extra weight was fat, especially because I'd just been on holiday. So, I weighed myself when I went home on the 28th of November and I'm done 5.8lbs from my holiday!! I know this is a bad picture but I'm almost half way to my goal for Christmas already.
In just two weeks, of keeping up my cardio (haven't had time to do my weight training because of exams and I knew cardio was my main focus) and keeping it clean in the kitchen I've managed to lose 5lbs! Obviously, it just shows that this is mainly water weight and extra fat I was holding from my holiday but it just goes to show what hard work can do.
Up to Christmas is always a hard time because there's lots of nights out and exams and all that but I'm going to try my HARDEST to get to the 139lbs I want to be. I have 20 days so every day counts. And hopefully, on Christmas day I can relax about what I eat/drink and enjoy my Christmas and get right back to it because I know how badly I want to lose the extra fat from my holidays!
Anyway, thanks for reading again and just wanted to update you guys on that :) I'm very happy with what I've been doing and how hard I've been working.


  1. You can do it girl! I feel the same way, I've been slacking a lot lately and eating out a lot but I haven't really gained any weight.... I used to work out 5x a week and now i go 1 or 2x a week :( I need to gain my motivation back but its hard when working a lot and so tired! you can do it! I want to lose a few before I go home for christmas holidays too!

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