Friday 15 November 2013

My Weight.

Hi guys,

I wanted to make a blog post because I weighed myself for the first time in a long time today. The above two pictures are taken two years apart and there is no weight difference.
In February 2013, I reached my goal weight and surpassed this and got down to about 120lbs. At this point, I was doing about two hours of cardio a day and eating around 1300 calories - basically a lot of carbs and no protein. Then, when I moved home for summer, I started doing less cardio and more weight lifting and eating more and I have put on the weight that I lost.
I am genuinely okay with this. I sometimes look back at old photos and think about how skinny I was but I remember being unhappy with my body even at that point and I wasn't content. There is definitely a large difference between the two pictures despite the fact I weigh the same, however I have definitely gained some fatty weight.
I've just come back from a ten day holiday in New York and despite eating clean 60% of the time and working out, I definitely had some amazing cheats so I reckon I'm holding 3-4lbs of water weight that I can get rid of over the next couple of weeks and I have definitely gained some muscle. I reckon over the two years I've gained AT LEAST 10lbs of muscle, so therefore only a small part of it is fat gain. I suppose you could call it a badly designed bulk ;)
Despite this, I just wanted to show that the scales do not entirely matter. I am much much healthier and fitter than I was in the first picture despite being the same weight.
I am happy with my body right now but I definitely want to lose some of this extra fat I'm holding from my holiday and things so my goal for Christmas is to be 139lbs, I don't want to lose any muscle that I've gained and I don't want to lose that much weight, just this extra fluff hehe.
I just wanted to be honest with you guys and admit that I have gained weight over the summer and I am not going to be as skinny as I was before. There is no way I am going back to eating less than 1500 calories again a day, it's not healthy for me and I don't need to be super skinny to be happy. I want to be strong and fit and I'd rather be these two than be skinny and be low on energy all the time because I don't eat enough.
I'm happy and I hope this helps anyone who is feeling down about their weight. Just remember that every single decision you make towards a healthy life, for example ordering a salad when eating out, it all helps. Every little thing you do does something and remember that :)


  1. Wow, how did you lose so much weight? I am doing some exercise everyday but my weight is stable. I think I should take your advice in this. Thanks for the article, Jenny.

    Finn Felton
    Kopi Luwak

  2. If you're overweight and need to scale back further weight then you ought to take into account operation. Ideally ought to burn the calories you're taking otherwise you should take the calories that you simply will burn. Calories taken should be balanced with calorie burnt. If you are taking additional calories that you simply are burning then the remainder of the calories would get accumulated on your body.
    Thanks for this.
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