Tuesday 27 August 2013

If you're a beginner here's some tips to get started! 1. I don't believe in drinking your calories anyway, but if you're going to have a fresh smoothie or something like that. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS spike your insulin, causing you to store fat, just because its zero calories DOES NOT mean its good for you! 2. What's on your plate should consist of meats and veggies and its that simple. These have healthy carbs, proteins and fats so why eat anything else? 3. THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE DOES NOT MATTER it's about how you feel, how your clothes fit. Remember muscle weighs more than fat, you might stay the same weight but be gaining muscle, and that is not a bad thing. The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn on a day to day basis. 4. Squat properly! Squats incorporate a lot of the muscles in your body and should be done regularly. So get squatting

Steam rooms!

I've been wanting to write a post on steam rooms for the past few days to explain the benefits of it and how it has helped me! The past few workouts I've done, I've been going in to the steam room for 20-30 minutes. I feel the benefits for me are:
- much much much softer and clearer skin
- helps me relax and my muscles relax
- helps me recover faster so I can work out sooner 
- just in general a really good addition at the end of any workout

So I can actually see and feel benefits from it already after only a few times of doing it, if I make it part of my routine I know how much it's going to benefit me! 

There's also toooooons of scientific research on how it benefits you after exercise and including some of the above, it helps you lose water weight so you can actually lose weight from doing it (because you sweat so much) and its a natural form of detox, sweating away the toxins from your body.

So it's relaxing, helps you lose weight and clears your skin? There's literally no reason why I shouldn't be doing it and I really wanted to share this with you guys so you can feel the benefits too! 

I truly believe this is gonna push me towards my goals even further now and I wanna share that with you guys :) SO GO TO A STEAM ROOM!! It's soooo nice

Saturday 10 August 2013


A few people are asking me what leg workout I do so here is the leg training I do. I only do this once a week at the moment, my strength training is split in to three days and the rest of the days I do cardio classes because I fucking love cardio. Also, as you can see I super set some of my exercises (doing exercises in between sets) and this is aimed to make it a cardio workout as well as strength, keeping the heart rate up!  Anyway, here is my legs and abs workout I did today:

Leg press: 4 sets, 12 reps, 280lbs

Squat: 4 sets, 12 reps, 12kg kettle bell; in between each set, 12 squat jumps with 4kg dumb bell

Lunge: 4 sets, 12 reps, 4kg kettle bell; extend kettle bell above head as you lunge. In between each set, 12 pulse lunges with 4kg kettle bell each side

Donkey kicks: 4 sets, 12 reps. In between each set, 30 mountain climbers

Crunches: 4 sets, 12 reps with 8kg medicine ball. In between each set, 4 reps of crossover crunches also with medicine ball.

2nd set of crunches; for my second set of abs I do a consistent workout, slowly lowering my reps each set. So here's what I did:
20 crunches, 20 pulse crunches then 20 second hold (no rest in between each exercise on each set)

15 crunches, 15 pulse crunches then 15 sec hold

10 crunches, 10 pulse crunches then 10 sec hold

5 crunches, 5 pulse crunches then 5 sec hold!

And there you have it, my legs and abs day!! This has been posted on my blog so click the link in my bio to copy this regime if you wanna use it 😘 hope this helps!